gcc (C89)/g++
1. Download python3.x package from
2. Extract it and move inside the package python-3.4.3
$ cd /python-3.4.33. Open a console and run the following configure command. We will build python with shared library support as many of the other project will require python3 dynamic library linking.
so, configure it by,
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3 --enable-shared
We are putting build output directory as /opt/python3.
4. After completion now build it by,
$ make5. Then install it by alternate installation by,
$ make altinstall
6. Now create a symlink of the newly created python3 binary and copy the shared library to the /lib64/ directory of filesystem.
$ ln -s /opt/python3/bin/python3.4 /usr/bin/python3
$ cp /opt/python3/libpython3.* /lib64/7. Now run python script by,
$ python3 my.pyAnd your python2 is also ok and usable!